5 Nutritional Rules That Everyone Should Follow

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As a physical trainer, it's important to show my clients the standards of sound quality. I usually emphasize that activities can only interest you so far and that I can not do any exercise to "train" poor nutrition. Here are five rules that I would unambiguously dictate to anyone who strives for a healthy, fit silhouette.


# 1) First and main eat at least 5 dinners a day, regularly. The standard few dinners for each day will simply not be cut. Two of these dinners can be called "snacks" provided that they provide enough calories and vitality to continue until the next dinner. If you follow this standard, your glucose and insulin levels will be very well controlled, you will receive a low and predictable protein intake during the day to promote muscle growth and recovery and (more importantly) the muscle / fat ratio will be burned for vitality and do not put off! It is important to follow this standard because eating rarely triggers hormones in your body to store fat while waiting (what it accepts) to be a "famine".


# 2) In general, each of your dinners or bites should contain about 1 serving of fat, 2 servings of protein and 3 servings of starch. It is an excellent starting point. Depending on your body type, routine preparation, and general wellness goals, it may be necessary to modify it slightly. Fat is essential to general well-being and is used to make various hormones. Please do not stay away from fat! Or keep a strategic distance from the "horrible" fats (eg, fats soaked with creature sources) and supplement the "fat" fats (eg, unsaturated fats from olive oil, regular walnut spreads, the almonds). Fish, etc.). Choosing low-glucose sugars that cause only minor changes in blood glucose and insulin is key to reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease and leading to controlled weight loss. Finally, each dinner or treat should contain lean sources of protein, contributing to muscle building and fat-burning potential.


# 3) I recommend you ask yourself the question before dinner or bite: "What will I accomplish in the next 3 hours of my life?" If you no longer sit in your workspace, try to limit the consumption of sugar and fat. If you meet your physical trainer at the recreation center for an extreme workout, you will gradually consume the sugar and complex fats to encourage training. Modify the starch and fat intake, so to speak, to represent the performance in normal vitality. In this way, you are more opposed to keeping your nutritional choices in the form of unwanted fat.


# 4) Fast weight loss requires a negative calorie balance. As a result, you must consume more calories per day than you consume. To develop your muscles, you must also consume more calories than you consume daily. So, is it possible to develop muscles and get in shape at the same time? The basic answer would be yes. To do this, however, it is necessary to exchange the negative calorie periods offset with the periods of positive caloric balance. In this sense, it is conceivable to build lean muscle for a short time, then reduce calories and increase cardiovascular exercise to promote fatigue for a comparable period. By turning forward and backward, you can move double in the direction of both lenses.


# 5) It is extremely difficult to get the most important supplements and minerals your body needs to stay healthy and vibrant through a diet alone. In this way, it is regularly important to improve your diet with additional nutrients and minerals or various improvements. A basic multivitamin supplement (as I would like to imagine) can ensure that your body is in perfect condition to achieve these goals in terms of weight loss, muscle building or body shaping. I would prescribe to your GP again and again before taking on a new health improvement.



These 5 rules for an ideal diet exponentially open the possibility of capturing and supporting wellness goals when combined with the right exercise program. Remember that practice is only a small part of your well-being. Eating habits and a healthy lifestyle are essential but often overlooked.