Can These 3 Tips Save Your Brain From Degeneration?

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It is unfortunate to notice how a person's mind permanently diminishes with age. The reality could not be further. Like Dr. Merzenich from Posit Science once said, "Everything you can see in a young brain can happen in a more experienced mind." What he said seems to me to be valid.


Just research probably the best men in history who have progressed to middle age. Colonels Sanders, Ray Kroc, Benjamin Franklin, Pablo Casals, and Frank Lloyd Wright, to give just a few examples. What did you do differently?


Why not investigate a situation where the topic is still alive? Dr. Stanley Karansky is 93 years old. As Norman Doidge, creator of "The Changing Brain," notes, Karansky, unlike most older people, is dynamic and rational on alert. He said the following:


1: Exercise, Not as Brutal: The recent neurological study has shown that a simple walk-through at the beginning of the day is enough to promote the development of new neurons in your head and strengthen the neural connection that is responsible for maintaining your parity.


2: Learning something new: "Use it or lose it" is a global recommendation that applies to your brain. When you stop learning useful new knowledge, your mind loses your learning skills - for example, memory.


3: Engage in mentally challenging activities: Like your muscles, it will never grow unless you challenge your mind. Exercises to test your mind include brain activity and the preparation of your memory.