Increased Testosterone Decreases Belly Fat by 16% in Only a Few Weeks

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In Western populations, the body mass index (BMI) of the elderly is increasing dramatically. The maturation process is synonymous with decreased lean body weight (LBM) and increased fat mass (FM). This relationship with becoming more experienced and larger has made Western culture complacent, and fat often plays with well-being and essentiality.


Loss of LBM suggests a 20% decrease between 25 and 65 years, with skeletal muscle failure occurring more rapidly than non-skeletal muscle failure. Skeletal muscles, as a whole, play an important role in terms of versatility and physical impairment but are essential for cardiovascular well-being.


As lean weight decreases, body fat increases by 60-80% over a similar period. The overall muscle / fat ratio has increased from 19% to 35% and mainly increases gastric fat (abdominal fat).


In any case, this "descending aging cycle" is a legend. BECOME OLD AND FEEL OLD IS OPTIONAL. You can take responsibility for your life. There are some natural approaches to building your testosterone. If you change your eating habits into a hormonal nutritional program, if you finish the preparation in the best quality and schedule split times, normal testosterone production is supported. The other main alternative is hormone replacement therapy with biologically indistinguishable hormones.


The advanced progress in testosterone corresponds to the mass and the size of the muscles. The muscle quality is also greatly increased with a high concentration of testosterone. After six months of testosterone treatment, most people notice an increase of more than 15% in fat-free mass (FFM) and a 20% increase in muscle mass.


Much thought has been given to the impact of testosterone on the aging population, as it should be obvious that the results of Western culture are crucial if they have the opportunity to break the "cycle". descent "of aging" by the consequences of several different surveys:


  • 12% reduction in muscle versus fat from 26% to 14%
  • Decrease of 10-15% in body fat, which is legitimately related to an increase in T serum;
  • Reduced subcutaneous fat by 12% and instinctive fat by 6%
  • Increase in muscle mass by 22%
  • 17% increase in fat-free mass


Low muscle mass about body fat and increased weight immediately reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular problems, Alzheimer's disease and a large group of other related diseases. at age, caused by our western wealth.


Take back responsibility for your life and break the "descending aging cycle".