Increase Brain Power & Boost Memory Function

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Here's an open and eye-catching investigation ... have you ever felt brain dead? As if you had arrived on your day and remembered afterward... "Damn, what did I eat for breakfast at the beginning of the day?" Or what about the famous "where the hell did I leave my keys"


Well, in case you have it, I have absolutely no fog of what you are going through at this point. Anyway, I'm here with my endless information to give you some tips to improve the hangman's brain! A couple of people need to focus on this article ... just in case, they forget when they got there.


What the vast majority neglect is that your brain should be trained just like the rest of your muscles, otherwise it will lose its adequacy. This has been demonstrated time and time again, so today I'll give you some tips to help you think more clearly, more practically, and more meaningfully. At the same time, improve the storage capacity to make exposure easier. It looks like switching to a PC.


>> Tip 1: Self talk and voice projection


It is for those of you who seem to be constantly losing your keys, or at some distance or in some other irregular way. It's an easy exercise, but it should be done half a month in a row until it becomes inclined. This is what you do every time you set aside something important (condition, key) ... Talk orally about the area. For example. "I put the keys on the shelf near the main entrance"


This has to be explicit!


When you are out loud, the data is inserted into your phonology circle. This implies that the last sentence you spoke of usually jumps in your head over and over again so that it jumps on your tongue. It also increases your likelihood of recall. It sounds like talking to a punk kid ... And then you understand that they're not listening. What are you saying? "Hello! Is it safe to say you are listening to what I say?"


At this point, they resemble "believe better ..." and repeat the last 5 words you said. In any case, she DOES because you KNOW that you haven't listened. No doubt ... It is the circle of working children! How about if you use it this time to increase our potential benefit?


>> Tip 2: Remember the opportunities when ...


You may not have a problem finding your keys, but you forget time quite effectively. For example, suppose you put these keys away and remember where they are, but you don't remember WHEN you put them away. What you need to do is be aware of your surroundings while you take care of something. So pay attention to the outside climate, pay attention to what you wear, pay attention to the scents and so on.

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>> Tip 3: Puzzles and games


Some people like puzzles and others don't. In case you don't ... Check out some confusingly related games. I don't care whether it's computer games or tabletop games. As long as they expect you to think about it, you will go far. Dizziness is like serious head training ... when you stop, you become sensitive. I'm a champion of Tetris, Checkers and Connect 4, and when it comes to "computer games" of puzzles, here are my first decisions:


Mercury Meltdown (PSP)

Exit (PSP)

Bejeweled (multi-platform)

LocoRoco (PSP)

Lumines 2 (PSP)

Brain age (DS)


I love these for the basic reality that they are available on held stages. Since I am a busy man and have no opportunity to sit on a sofa and play puzzle games, I also have no opportunity. You can do it.


>> Tip 4: Physical fitness


As if it wasn't obvious. Studies show that maintaining physical fitness encourages you to develop your brain memory while progressively keeping it awake. The explanation? Simply ... the moment you exercise, take oxygen mass measurements and oxygen = useful for the mind. If you need help with interesting activities, I linked an asset to you towards the end of the article.


>> Tip 5: Visualization


Many targeted competitors use perception strategies to not only plan the work to be done, but also to improve their visibility. Studies show that when you imagine physical competence, a similar muscle train is triggered as if you were playing the skill.


The explanation? The moment you are focused with your eyes closed, you convince in every way that your imagination is indeed authentic ... it cannot be distinguished. Why don't others use it? Who Said The Presentation Was For Sports Only? Try your daily exercises and see what happens.


>> Tip 6: Meditation


I vacillate by referring to that word because, in a split second, individuals think they are half exposed and sitting under a colossal waterfall under the mountains. NO! Try not to make anything fruitful ... However, successful contemplation processes clear your mind and relieve pressure so you can perform mental tasks with remarkable efficiency.


That's what I do. I immerse myself in a calm situation and make sure that I am well placed and comfortable. At this point, I just close my eyes and highlight a certain something and something ... my relaxation. I'm not thinking about anything else, I'm just concentrating on the oxygen that enters my lungs and how beautiful and invigorating it is. Give it a try ... don't think about anything. In today's crazy world, it's more difficult than you think!

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